Waist Trimmer Guide by Artemus Dolgin (eBook)
Waist Trimmer Guide - is the most unique, complete and effective set of techniques and tools to narrowing your waistline and getting an aesthetic, tight stomach. If followed precisely, it guarantees results beyond any expectations. Everything gathered in this super educational ebook has been a lifetime experience of myself and other professional fitness and bodybuilding competitors.
In great detail it features:
1. my personal nutrition and supplementation plan to reduce the waistline by removing all the fat and water around the midsection while getting a lean, shredded body (there are also precise instructions to easily calculate and put together your own, individual meal plan);
2. In depth explained and illustrated vacuum exercises that will significantly tighten your midsection, reduce your waistline, improve a distended stomach and overall composure.
3. Fully explained corset and weight belt training techniques and recommendations to reduce and preserve a narrow, slim waist.
4. Specific list of exercises and activities that may cause thickening or growth of your waistline.
It is truly one of the kind, super effective and valuable piece of information that absolutely guarantees positive changes in your physique and solid results in reducing your waistline.
Download with Confidence.